The Negotiator's Toolbox

Winning Strategies for Corporate Buyers and Small Businesses

Have you ever wondered how to get into the head of your negotiation partner? How to increase the chance for the other side to accept your arguments? Play to their motivations, fears, and emotions? Detect lies and deceit? Win against the odds? The Negotiator’s Toolbox helps you with all of that, using lots of examples, anecdotes, and case studies. Have a look at the main topics and then order the book in print, as an eBook or Audiobook!

Tools for Preparation 

Preparing for a negotiation is a lot of work. The three main topics are: Starting Position, Goals, and Strategies. The pertinent questions for the starting position are: Who has the power? What are the alternative sources? What do we have in common? How dependent is the other side on the result? What personalities am I encountering? With respect to goals, we identify the best result and the walk-away point. For strategies we choose between pressure, partnership or avoidance based on bargaining power and timing.