The Negotiator's Toolbox

Winning Strategies for Corporate Buyers and Small Businesses

Have you ever wondered how to get into the head of your negotiation partner? How to increase the chance for the other side to accept your arguments? Play to their motivations, fears, and emotions? Detect lies and deceit? Win against the odds? The Negotiator’s Toolbox helps you with all of that, using lots of examples, anecdotes, and case studies. Have a look at the main topics and then order the book in print, as an eBook or Audiobook!

Personality Matters!

When two people meet each other, two distinct personalities interact. That simple understanding has a huge impact on negotiations. Not only is it important to recognize how personalities influence any negotiation, but also how interpersonal conflict can erupt and how to manage it. When we prepare a negotiation in a strategic way, the question begs whether we can anticipate reactions from the other side based on their values, motivations, and behavioral patterns. Wouldn’t it be great, if we knew what personalities we are facing, and what they bring to the negotiation table as a consequence? Meet the Scientist, the Farmer, the Hunter, and the Merchant.
