The Negotiator's Toolbox

Winning Strategies for Corporate Buyers and Small Businesses

Have you ever wondered how to get into the head of your negotiation partner? How to increase the chance for the other side to accept your arguments? Play to their motivations, fears, and emotions? Detect lies and deceit? Win against the odds? The Negotiator’s Toolbox helps you with all of that, using lots of examples, anecdotes, and case studies. Have a look at the main topics and then order the book in print, as an eBook or Audiobook!

Body Language

Body Language accounts for over half of our communication. We can all read and interpret posture, gestures, eye movement, and facial expressions, but not necessarily in a conscious way. Learning how to actively observe and interpret body language will give us a chance to consciously make strategic decisions and react. The moment when this ability is the most important is when we give an offer. Is it a good or a bad offer? Photographs by Mina von Feilitzsch Photography. Modelling by Matthias von Feilitzsch.

Which part of your brain are your accessing? Recall or imagination?

Which part of your brain are your accessing? Recall or imagination?

I don’t know.

I don’t know.







I can’t face it.

I can’t face it.

Nothing to hide.

Nothing to hide.

NH Posture -2.jpg

Neutral posture